Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Persuasive Writing Prompt #3- Too Much TV

Researchers show that the average American watches as much as six hours of television each day. Do you think this is too much? Write an essay convincing readers to spend less time in front of the TV.

Researchers show that the average American watches as much as six hours of television each day. I believe that watching six hours of television is too much. They should stop watching too much television and find ways to occupy themselves. It is not good and people should start to think it might harm them eventually. Adults should start changing so they can set examples for the younger kids who live in the house.

The first reason why people should stop watching too much television is because they will hurt their vision. This can make a person become blind. It is a matter of time because it will not happen right away. It has happened to me before and now I try not to watch too much television. Once you start squinting your eyes and have trouble watching the television, that means you have to stop! Before you know it you will then need to start using glasses because your vision will get weaker. After this you will then realize you should have never watched too much TV and just watch it occasionally.

Nowadays people that watch too much TV do not get the proper amount of physical activity. All they do is sit down all day and most likely eat as they are watching TV. It is bad because obesity is becoming a problem all over the world, and buy watching TV all day it will make it worst because all you will do is be on your butt. There are many fun activities to o outside. Go out and enjoy nature while you can, do not waste your time like a potato couch watching TV all day. Get up and get a life!

Who wants to be watching television for six hours a day while they could be doing other interesting things? I sure do not! In that time you are wasting you could be doing useful things such as completing your homework, reading books, learning new things, or doing chores around the house. All this time you could also be going to school or get a job to be able to live through the breakdown of the economy. Be a productive person, become a better person and have a better future. Couch potatoes are not acceptable, get off that couch and go do something productive for this planet. It will also help you a lot as well.

Watching too much TV is harmful. Get up and be responsible and become a better person in life. Watching TV will not pay for your bills or do your homework, so do it for you own good. You will only be harming yourself by doing this often. Stop watching too much television and start your life fresh. There is always a limit, but do not overdo it because it will do you no good. Do not watch too much TV!

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