Saturday, October 30, 2010

Ending A Relationship

If you want to end a relationship, the best thing to do is to talk to the person you are ending the relationship with. You have to let that person know how you feel, express yourself. At first it might be hard to do it because that person might not want the relationship to end. If the person wants to end it as well it will not be hard. For me it would be hard to end a relationship because I have never done that before. I guess it would just be best that you talk truthfully and let the other person know how you feel and just let it all out. Let's just hope that it does not end bad because then you will not want see each other not even by painting. If you are ending a relationship with your girlfriend or boyfriend they usually just stay friends afterwards. If you want it to end well you should not be aggressive about it and just be calm and truthful. This is how I would act if I was ending a relationship with either my friend or boyfriend.

How To Make New Friends

It is always good to make new friends. A way you can use to make new friends is just by talking to them. You can introduce yourself and get to know the person a little more. You also have to be yourself around this person, but also be nice or else you will end up scaring the person away and they will not want to be your friend. You will find that you both might have similarities. After you have gotten the chance to know them more, you can invite them to your house or go hang out with them some where else. If they accept well that means they like you and they will eventually want to become your friend. If they are truly a great friend, they will accept you for the way you are not by the materialistic things you may own or have. Everyday someone makes a new friend. These are just some techniques you can use, but there are other ways you can use to make a new friend. So what are you waiting for, go out there and meet a new friend.

My Favorite Game

My favorite game is the monopoly baseball edition. I really enjoy playing it, especially when I play with my siblings. It includes all the thirty baseball teams, in both the American and National Leagues. It attracts me since it has to do with baseball. I have the chance to be able to own one of the teams or more when we play. It is like the original monopoly, just that this one is about baseball. The chance and community cards talk about baseball, such as for example if a person lands on a chance or community chest the card might say that they have to pay to fix the baseball field. I like that I can relate to the game and I am very familiar with the baseball rules and the teams. It is always fun when you can relate to something because you will understand the game more clearly. Just to be writing about this makes me want to go take out the game and start playing with my siblings. It is a really fun game and I recommend anyone to play it. Monopoly baseball edition is the best game!


A prejudice is a prejudgment. It can an assumption made about someone or something before having adequate knowledge to be able to do so with guaranteed accuracy. The word prejudice is most commonly used to refer to a preconceived judgment toward a people or a person because of race, social class, gender, ethnicity, age, disability, political beliefs, religion, sexual orientation or other personal characteristics. It also means beliefs without knowledge of the facts and may include "any unreasonable attitude that is unusually resistant to rational influence." There are alot of people who are prejudice towards other. It is wrong to do this. They should never judge a book by its cover. If a person judges others they are just harming themselves. You cannot assume how a person is with out knowing them. Once you get to know a person fully you will have a different mind set. The best thing to do is to first get to know the person then you can see how they really are. You will not know until you give it a try.

Impulse Buying

An impulse purchase or impulse buy is an unplanned decision to buy a product or service, made just before a purchase. One who tends to make such purchases is referred to as an impulse purchaser or impulse buyer. Research findings suggest that emotions and feelings play a decisive role in purchasing, triggered by seeing the product or upon exposure to a well crafted promotional message. When a person is this way, they spend a lot of money. A person will continue to buy and buy more things eventually. Some people tend to do this because they feel the need to feel good about themselves, or either because they feel they have to have everything they see that they want. In some occasions, people just buy things to be up with the fashion designs. It becomes out of control and eventually they will have alot of bills to pay. There have been some situations where people cannot pay for all the things they buy and they will go to jail or get the things taken away from them. Others are able to pay for the things they buy, but may have some difficulty on getting the money because they also have other bills to pay not just for their credit cards. It is best that people control themselves and stop being so impulsive when they go shopping.

Visitor From Another Planet

Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into a natural environment that causes instability, disorder, harm or discomfort to the ecosystem, such as physical systems or living organisms. In other words, pollution harms our environment. I would explain what are the things that pollute our planet. Air pollution comes from both natural and man made sources. Though globally man made pollutants come from combustion, construction, mining, agriculture and warfare are increasingly significant in the air pollution equation. Motor vehicle emissions are one of the leading causes of air pollution. Another form of pollution comes from factories where they make things such as chemical plants, coal-fired power plants, oil refineries, petrochemical plants, nuclear waste disposal activity, incinerators, and large livestock farms. Agriculture causes pollution as well because farmers spray pesticides and herbicides and also clear felling and burning of natural vegetation. Pollution is bad and it is harming our planet. Alot of people are not aware of this and I think that everyone should know. We should all take care of our environment and the things that were put here on Earth.

Modern Life Without Computers

Modern life would be different without computers. If you think about it, internet would have not existed as well. Without a computer there are many things as we would not be able to do. Some of the things that most people would not be able to do would be to research things on webs such as Google and Yahoo. We need to research for school projects and also just for personal information in case someone wants to know about something. Not alot of people would know. There would be no Facebook, MySpace, AIM, or any other websites people like to visit for personal or business use. Everything we did for school we had to hand write because we would not be able to type up our school papers or anything else we had to type. Most people today have adapted their life to using a computer everyday. Now I am thinking that I would not be typing this blog or any other blogs I have already posted up. Computers have been improving over the years and it is something to be thankful for. Life would be so different.

Good Drivers

If a person is going to drive a car, they have to be good drivers. In order to be a good driver you have to have experience and someone to help you who already knows how to drive. Before you are able to drive legally you have to take certain tests. If you do not pass the test you will not be able to drive at all until you pass them. You have to also be able to have control of the wheel and not be nervous while driving. A person has to be fully aware of their surroundings and pay attention to everything. As of behavior, a person has to be in a good mood to drive. If someone is feeling mad or sad it is possible that they might crash and have an accident becasue they will be worried about their situation. You have to be in a positive attitude to drive. It is good to follow all the rules when driving. If you are going to make a turn to either the right or the left, put your signal. There are some people that do not do this and that is how more accidents occur. It is also good to put your lights at night so that everyone else driving can see you or else they will crash into you. It takes many steps to become a good driver. Just be sure to follow all the rules and you will eventually become a good driver.

Espinoza Paz

At a young age, Espinoza Paz developed his love towards music. He wrote his first song when he was thirteen years old when he was in love with a classmate in school. Espinoza Paz was a campesino working hard everyday harvesting oranges, tomatoes, olives and grapes. When he went back to his native town in Mexico, he had received the news that his mother had died. He and his father were devastated. His mother had inspired him to follow his dream and do what he always wanted do, which was sing. Over the years he continued to write songs, then later on he got associated with other singers penning them the songs he had wrote. As he grew up he had no mother figure next to him, but those years he had her gave him the strength to become the great person he is today. He achieved his dream of becoming a singer. He is not like other singers who get caught up and forget where they came from. He is proud of his background and of the parents that gave birth to him. Till this day his dad works in the fields, very proud of the accomplishments of his son. Espinoza Paz is still currently captivating people's life with his music. He made his dream come true.

What Makes Me Special

There is always something that makes everyone special. What makes me special is that I am myself. I stand up for what I believe in and I am very happy of my background and culture. You will never find another Yvette Rodriguez like me. I am unique in many ways. People might look at my nails like I am crazy, but when it comes to getting my nails done I get very colorful and creative. I have many qualities, such as being crazy, shy, or even mean if you get on my bad side. Most people think I am shy because I do not talk much, but my family know that this is so not true. At home I am the loudest in the house, and I do not care that everybody hears me. I am an Angel fan, which is rare in Los Angeles because most people are Dodger fans. I have been told more than once that I always put people before me, and I noticed it is true. I have also noticed I like to put myself out there, but at the same time I feel shy and scared. I have also noticed I am very uniquely from people that go to my school because not everyone listens to the music I hear or like baseball till death like me. I like being unique because it makes me special and one of a kind. No one will ever be like me.

Collge After High School

Some people go right on to college after high school; others take a year or more off to work or travel. Which do you think is the better choice? State your position and support it with specific reasons and examples.

Going to college right after high school is important. I think that those that skip a few years before going to college after high school loose out in a lot of things. They would be waiting their time and in that case why did they go to school for twelve years and let it all go into the drain. People should just go to college right after high school. It will benefit them greatly in the future.

After our summer vacation when we come back to school, I totally forget what I learned the school year before. That was only two months and I forgot what I had learned. If a person skips a few years after high school and does not go to college that would make their knowledge decrease and some of the stuff they learned will be forgotten. They will then have problems in their classes, tests, homework and it is possible that they can fail the class. It will be easier to go to college after high school because a person's knowledge will be fresh and their performance in college will be much better than if they wait a couple years.

If you’re a person that likes to get things done fast so you will not worry about it in the future, well you should go straight into school to finish school faster. This will save you time and you will be able to achieve more things. The faster you finish the better it will be for you. If you finish faster you can have the chance to start your career earlier and you will not be stuck in school as if it seems forever.

It is possible that if you want to take a vacation or work, you can do all those three things at the same time. You will not have to miss a year or more before going in to college. My sister has been working, traveling and going to school at the same time. She manages her schedule and she is able to leave time to do homework and study as well as work after her classes. We have family vacations so we go when she and us are out of school. If my sister can do all those three things at the same time so will other people.

These are the reasons why you should go to college right after high school. This will benefit you in many ways. Do not waste your time and finish on time so you can achieve your career faster than usual people. Give yourself the opportunity to relief from stress and get it over with. Going to college right after high school is important.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Pride In One's Work

People should have pride in one's work. If you are creating something that you took time on you should have pride on it. Show it off to the world so they can see it. I have known of many people who have done something and they are afraid to claim that they did it. People should not do that because they are the ones that did it and they should take credit for it. That happens to me sometimes because I feel embarrassed about what people might think about my work. I should not do that because I should not feel that way of myself. What if people do not like my ideas or work, it is what I think and how I feel about something. Every individual should be proud of their work. Those who do have pride in their work are now exhibiting they talents in museums, galleries, and you can even find them at the library. They can help shape a person in life, giving them motivation to continue their work and achieving their goals. It is important to have pride in one's work.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Persuasive Writing Prompt #3- Too Much TV

Researchers show that the average American watches as much as six hours of television each day. Do you think this is too much? Write an essay convincing readers to spend less time in front of the TV.

Researchers show that the average American watches as much as six hours of television each day. I believe that watching six hours of television is too much. They should stop watching too much television and find ways to occupy themselves. It is not good and people should start to think it might harm them eventually. Adults should start changing so they can set examples for the younger kids who live in the house.

The first reason why people should stop watching too much television is because they will hurt their vision. This can make a person become blind. It is a matter of time because it will not happen right away. It has happened to me before and now I try not to watch too much television. Once you start squinting your eyes and have trouble watching the television, that means you have to stop! Before you know it you will then need to start using glasses because your vision will get weaker. After this you will then realize you should have never watched too much TV and just watch it occasionally.

Nowadays people that watch too much TV do not get the proper amount of physical activity. All they do is sit down all day and most likely eat as they are watching TV. It is bad because obesity is becoming a problem all over the world, and buy watching TV all day it will make it worst because all you will do is be on your butt. There are many fun activities to o outside. Go out and enjoy nature while you can, do not waste your time like a potato couch watching TV all day. Get up and get a life!

Who wants to be watching television for six hours a day while they could be doing other interesting things? I sure do not! In that time you are wasting you could be doing useful things such as completing your homework, reading books, learning new things, or doing chores around the house. All this time you could also be going to school or get a job to be able to live through the breakdown of the economy. Be a productive person, become a better person and have a better future. Couch potatoes are not acceptable, get off that couch and go do something productive for this planet. It will also help you a lot as well.

Watching too much TV is harmful. Get up and be responsible and become a better person in life. Watching TV will not pay for your bills or do your homework, so do it for you own good. You will only be harming yourself by doing this often. Stop watching too much television and start your life fresh. There is always a limit, but do not overdo it because it will do you no good. Do not watch too much TV!


The definition of diversity is a variety or a point of difference. There exists many diversities in this world. You can pick out from many different things. Imagine there was no diversity. The world would be dull and everyone would look exactly the same. There would be no point to this, might as well not exist. There is a diversity in humans, flowers, animals, colors, and many other amazing things that live or are found on this planet. When I hear the world diversity, the word different comes to my mind. Everywhere you look you will find diversity. Having diversity among us is very beautiful because we get to see different things. There are many things out there we see every day and also many other things that we are yet to discover. Every person is diverse, there are no two people alike. It would be boring if there was no diversity. It would be such as if I was looking at a plain white paper every time and every day. Diversity means to be different or have variety. Be a diverse person.


In the dictionary, cooperation is defined as an act or instance of working or acting together for a common purpose or benefit. Cooperation also happens to be one of the six pillars of character. To me cooperation is when everyone works together to achieve something. We are all encouraged to use cooperation to accomplish our class work in school. Cooperation is important because it is essential to our learning environment. If cooperation did not exist, many things could not be done. Everyone would be working alone without help and it could be possible that many of those things will not get completed. It takes ones person to start something, and without cooperation this would not be possible. In order to have cooperation we all need to work together. Everyone should cooperate and help each other.


Communication over the past twenty years has changed a lot. It has been improving and there are many ways you can communicate. One of the major ways to communicate is through the internet. There are many networks you can use to talk to people such as messengers, chat rooms, Facebook, MySpace, AIM and via email. Not only can you have internet on a computer, but you can also enjoy it on an iPod or even a cell phone. Another device very popular among adults and teenagers used is the cell phone. People can now easily communicate by talking or texting through their cell phone. Before it was common that you just used house phones, but now you can choose from a variety of cell phones and companies. House phones as well have improved. They have a built in caller id to make it easier for you to know who is calling your house. They are also way much smaller than before. They have also invented Bluetooth for cell phones. This helps for those that are driving or for those that always have their hands occupied at work. With the way communication has changed, our life has been made easier. It will continue to change and improve in the future.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Techniques Or Methods Teachers Can Use

Teachers are well appreciated by the students. This is what I want to become, an elementary teacher. Every teacher has different methods or techniques to get the students attention. A method they can use to make their job more effectively would be to always have their students occupied on an activity that is fun, but also about learning. The teacher should balance it out so that the students will be able to enjoy the subject. It would also be a great idea to give out prizes or rewards when they accomplish their assignment correctly and neatly. When I become a teacher I will do the same. A teacher should also always use visuals to help out the student understand the subject better. Teachers should also have some form of discipline in order for the students to behave like they should in class. Most of the students nowadays do not behave properly in class and they disrespect the teacher by talking while the teacher is talking. Some of the students even have the nerve to talk back to the teacher. They should make the classroom rules clear to the students. Another thing that would help is that if they have a long lesson for the day, they should do half of it and then let the students take a five to ten minute break. They should then continue the other half and proceed with the lesson plan. If teachers find new ways to make their job more effectively, they will make their life and the student's way more easier.


A convenience is something that makes you comfortable and at ease. A convenience can change people's lives positively or negatively. It can changes a person's life positively by helping them. For example, if a person is trying to find a way to get to a place faster, it will be more convenient for them to look at a map or take a shortcut to their destination. Conveniences will help make a person's life easier and faster to achieve a method. This is the way you should use conveniences. A convenience can change a person's life negatively because that is how they will become a bad person. For example, someone may always rely on a person to copy their homework from and they will think it is convenient for them. The person they are copying from might not like it all. A negatively convenient person tends to be clingy and always rely on others for their benefit. This will not help them at all in the future and it will only mess them up. But as I said, there are also positive conveniences and those are the ones that you want to practice, only if you need too. I at times have done both positively and negatively conveniences, but I prefer to be a positive person and not abuse of people's kindness.

A Person's Fame And Fortune

A person achieves fame and fortune by the things they do or talents they might have. Not everyone in this world is famous. You are either born into a family that is already rich or you become rich by your talents or something you discovered or invented. Some people have achieved fame just by doing something unimaginable. There are reasons why someone who has fame and fortune might change their life. One of those reasons might be that they are so famous that everyone might know them and this can cause a major controversy in their life. This can also lead them to a world where they will get lost and start doing drugs and alcohol. Another habit they might get is that they will party everyday and they will not care about anything only about themselves. On the other hand, there are those that get affected in a good way because they will give to charities and support causes for those that are in need of a helping hand. In some cases it might be that a famous person was once poor and lived in the street, but then they become famous and they become filthy rich and live in a mansion and own various properties and cars. It might also affect them physically and mentally. Some people that are famous and are rich have gone through a lot, such as gaining or losing weight, going through psychological problems or just become crazy. It is best that they contribute to the society and not become people they will be hated on. Hopefully one day in the future I can achieve fame and fortune.

Major Environmental Problem- Recycling

A major environmental problem is recycling. Many people do not recycle and it harms our environment. I have walked in some couple of streets and I often find plastic bottles or plastic bags rolling alongside. When ever I see that I always go and pick it up and wait until I see a recycling bin to dispose of it properly. In some cases I have seen that people throw out plastic bottles or bags out their windows. Those people are crazy! They should just wait until they find a recycling bin. I know that if they do that people will get ticketed, but they have to enforce it more so that way people will stop doing it. People should be more considerate for where they live and form groups and go out and clean up. It would be nice if instead of advertising inappropriate things they advertised recycling billboards or commercials on television. Not everyone is aware of this problem, so it would be best that everyone be informed as soon as possible. We have to protect our planet and take care of the things that live in it. Everyone should take part in this. It is starting to become a big issue, and it is our job to make sure that it doesn’t end up harming our environment completely. If it becomes a problem we can not fix we will all regret not doing our job and all I can say is,” Please God, help us!” Recycle and help out our planet.

Public Health Concerns- HIV/STD's

A public health concern I believe is serious enough to warrant immediate attention is HIV/STD’s. It has been a big issue over the past few years. People do not take it seriously and decide not to use protection while having sexual intercourse. They are putting their lives at risk. They do not notice it when they are doing it at the moment, but once they find out they have HIV/STD’s they will regret not protecting themselves while they engaged in any sexual activity. If this continues, soon it will become an epidemic. It is better to stop it before it gets worst and spreads around from one place to another. It has become most often because now teenagers are engaging in practicing sexual intercourse at a young age and the do not know how to deal with it properly. It is better that they wait until they are older because they will have much more knowledge of the topic and they will know the proper way to protect themselves. When teenagers are in high school, they should get educated about sex so they can know more about it. Some teenagers do not know anything and go ahead and engage in sexual intercourse. I myself have not yet been informed by any adult but I have heard things and I am informed a bit. Some parents might be embarrassed to talk to their kids about this, but it is best that they know about it so they will not make a mistake they will regret for the rest of their

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Causes And Problems Resulting From Teenage Smoking

When a teenager starts smoking, there are several reasons why they started in the first place. At their home they can be having family problems. These problems become psychological and the teenager will start to depend on something to make them feel better of themselves. They will start smoking and eventually they will become rebels. They will not listen to anyone and they will want to boss themselves around. Another problem that could have caused this is the friends they hang out with. In some cases it has occurred that they are influenced to do bad stuff by their friends, or they do it to be part of the crew just to be accepted. Another influence are adults. If they see them smoking since they were little kids, they will want to try it out once they hit the teenager years. Adults should set an example and be mindful about the younger kids. Problems that result from teenage smoking are bad. They will then become addicts and smoke box after box until they cannot survive without smoking every second of the day. Smoking is bad and it can cause you to have cancer. After they get the results that they have gotten cancer, they will be upset and then realize that it was too late. People tend to do bad things and once it too late they wish they can go back and fix that mistake. Somehow smoking can also lead a teenager into "the lost world". By this I mean that they will forget about everything and everyone and just be in their own world. Their life will go directly down the drain. Teenage smoking should come to an end now!

Importance of Math

From all the subject we are thought in class, Math is one of the important subjects we need to learn about. It is important because in a daily base we use math even though we do not notice it. It is also required if the profession you want to major in requires math. You will find math anywhere and everywhere. It all started when you where in elementary school, learning that 2+2= 4. As you grew up, you learned more and more about the concepts of math. Your brain developed a wider concept, and you began to use it and apply it at school, work or at home. I think that as long as you know the basic math problems, you will be able to survive in life. At least be able to add, subtract, multiply and divide. In high school there are three years of a math required, but four years are encouraged. Math is one of the main subjects to be learned in school. Some people might find it to be boring or hard, but they should know how to work it out. If anyone needs help to learn and understand it better, they should get help from a professional person. You cannot get away from learning math. It is really important that you learn math. Later on in life you will then see why it is really important. It is possible that math can help you save someones life. That is how important math is. You have to take it seriously, it is not a joke. So think about it and hopefully you understand that math is an important required subject.  

Food People Eat

There are many kinds of food all over the world. Every person is particular to what food they like to eat. In many cases there are people who cannot eat certain foods because they are allergic to them or because they are lactose and tolerant. The appearance of the food also attracts people to try it out. The major factor that attracts people to eat food is the taste. It leaves you in the feeling of heaven, making you want to try it over and over again. It is obvious that a person will only eat the food they like because if they do not like a certain kind of food they will never eat it again after they find out they do not like it the first time they tried it. There are also people that like to eat weird food. They combine it and experiment with it. I have done that before and actually it is not bad because the experiments I have done are good. It is also good to try new food so you can get a taste of what is out there. It is good if you get a chance to taste foods from different places of  the world. Some people might chooses the food they eat for the ingredients it might contain. It is possible that a person that likes carrots will eat carrot soup just because it is made of carrots. There are also those that are picky with their food and will only eat it the way they like it to look or taste. Many people have different ways of choosing the particular kind of food they eat.

Hawaiian Flower

This flower is white and yellow and you can see the leaves in the background, which looks like green minty leaves. It reminds me of the ocean and I can hear the waves as they are coming into the shore. It makes me feel happy, calm and very relaxed. I would like to go to the place where the flower is found. Looking at it makes me think of coconuts.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Purposes Of The Internet

The internet has become very famous all over the world. It is used for many things, such as for school, personal use and for work. For the students at school, they use the internet for many reasons. They are given many assignments to research or for homework. They use the internet to obtain information they need to complete their work. There is many vital information and it is very helpful for many students in all grade levels. Whenever I need help or I want to know something I go on Google and I always get the information I need. For those that use the internet for personal use, they usually go to the websites to play games use Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, etc., or they also use the chat rooms or messengers to talk to other people they now or do not know. The internet may be dangerous when you use it for personal use because in many occasions you might meet new people and they could be rapists or bad people that want to harm others. When you are on the internet you have to have precaution and be aware that there are many people out there that also use the internet. For those that use the internet for work, they use it to advertise and also promote their products. It can also help them for research on their work. The users of the internet might feel fortunate to have it because they are able to find many stuff they can research. I feel sorry for those that did not have internet access back in the days when it still did not exist. Today we are very lucky people to have internet access. Providers should be happy because us as the users are making more money for them every time we visit their pages or buy their products. A single click of your mouse can do anything. Just imagine all those people who might be clicking the mouse button right this instance.   

Change Of Plans

It was Monday October 18, 2010 and I was in Mr. Wallace's class. He told Karen and I to go make copies for him. We went and then we came back to the class with seventy-eight copies. He then explained to us that we had to complete three prompts each day, which each have to be two- hundred and fifty words minimum from Mondays to Fridays. Mr. Wallace then said we had to define twenty- five words per week from the vocabulary for advanced placement students. Not only that, but we also have to turn in our essay on Friday as well. It is too much work! That day when I got home, I decide that I had to make changes in my schedule. I decided that I was going to do my homework from my other classes before I take a shower which is not until 7:00 P.M. After I finish taking a shower, I will begin on my prompts at 8:00 P.M. and I will have two hours to complete them before I go to sleep at 10:00 P.M. On Wednesdays I will start to work on my essay so that way I can finish it on time. The words will have to probably wait until over the weekend because I will have much more time to define them. This time I will try to keep up with my prompts so that I will not be in a rush last minute the day before they are due. This will hopefully help me out, and I hope that I can have enough time to get my work done for my other classes. Let's see how this plan works out for me.  

My Ideal Vacation

An ideal vacation to me would be magical and very relaxing. I would like to be near the beach, living in a beach house in Cancun. Every morning I would wake up to see the sun rise. It would be especially wonderful if that one special person was there with me. We would both sit down in the sand, hearing the waves and the sound of the ocean. The sun will set slowly, watching the wonderful colors of the sun. I would go in the water, feeling the waves through my legs. After a while I would go to the sand and build sculptures and bury myself in the sand. As the night is getting near I would build a bonfire. The oceans in Cancun are very clean, which makes it even better. At night I would like to enjoy the night life of Cancun. I would go to the night clubs and dance all night. If I had the chance, I would also drink and get drunk, enjoy my time and forget about my problems. I would also like to get a tour around the city so I can get to know new places. Another thing I would like to do is go with those people that give massages outside so they can relieve my stress. In my beach house, I would love to have a jacuzzi so that I can have time for myself and just relax as the water is moving my body. Relaxation would be the key for my vacation, giving myself the pleasure to have an enjoyable and relaxing time.

Problems That Result From Obesity

Obesity has become a major issue to worry about lately. There are many reasons why people in America and all over the world are becoming obese. Our society and personal life have to do a lot with this issue. First of all, a person might be living a bad personal life. It could be that a person might feel depressed, lonely and not supported by any of their family members. This can lead to them eating to fill in their sadness, making them feel better of themselves. Each time they feel this way they will continue to eat and eventually they will eat and eat everyday and every time of the day. This will eventually become into a bad thing and that person will become obese if they continue to eat the way they do. Family disputes may also affect a person to become obese. Seeing your parents fight all the time and not caring about you will get you really depressed and what else to make you feel better, food. In the society, the major contributors to obesity are the fast food chains. All that promoting of hamburgers and fries and all that crap they advertise make people want to go out and buy the food. It is greasy and bad for a person's health. Eventually if they keep on eating all this food, they will start to gain weight little by little. Next thing you know, you will be looking at a unhealthy and obese person. If all these problems and things did not exist, it would be a better world and everyone would be healthy. Obesity would have never existed.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Unlikely Allies

Two people of different interests and backgrounds could become unlikely allies because they have totally different perspectives towards what they believe in. It is likely that if those two people have different ideas, they will not change their ideas. Instead they will find people who have the same thoughts as them because they will be able to share whatever they believe in with them, and also express themselves with full thought. It is possible that they can become to hate each other so much because they have different ways at viewing things. If I was in a situation like that, I would stay away from that person and try not to make any contact at all. I am an nice person, but if it comes to this I guess I will come out of my shell and stand up for what I believe in. In that case, for this reason that is why segregation exists. You see it everywhere, at schools, at stores or even your own community. I agree that it is bad because when younger kids see this they will grow up to be the same way, and this will eventually happen in each generation of kids. We should set examples for these younger children so they can be different from us in a good way. As I am thinking now, you could say that a situation like this can be compared to batteries. If they are not put the correct way, for example, the remote control will not work. That would be the connection between two people who have different interest and backgrounds, it will not work out. It is always best to cooperate and we should all try to get along despite all the differences a person might have.  

Outdoor Living

I would imagine that outdoor living to a person with an apartment in the city would be difficult for them to be interactive with nature. If they live in the city, it is most likely that they do not spend a lot of time outdoors. They either stay at home or go to work, following the same routine everyday of their life. People tend to forget about nature and the outdoors when they are too occupied on one thing. It is bad for them because they need a little fresh air and being trapped by four walls can be deathly to a person. Once in a while they should go outside and enjoy what they are being surrounded with. It was put there for a reason and we should make the best out of it, enjoy it to the fullest extent. On the contrary, there can also be those that live in an apartment in the city and enjoy living the outdoors. For those that enjoy living the outdoors, it is possible that they go camping very often and go away from the city life for a while. They will also get the opportunity to stay away from communication such as their cellular devices, computers, and iPods. Sometimes it is good to be communication free and just enjoy the outdoors, having no worries and just relax the whole time you are out. It can work both ways, but I guess it depends on how a person feels towards this subject. There are many things people can do in the outdoors. They can go camping, kayaking, golfing, fishing, hiking, running, or anything that has to do with nature. It is always fun when you enjoy the outdoors with your family and friends. I suggest that people who live in apartments in the city go out and experience living outdoors.   

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Creative Non- Fiction- The Time I Was Totally Happy

It was August 25, 2006 and it was the first Angel game I attended. I was really happy! The Angels were playing against the Yankees. I was so happy that the night before I was not able to sleep. As soon as we arrived at the stadium, I felt butterflies in my stomach. My first time there, I could already sense the smell of hot dogs and popcorn. My sister distributed the tickets and I held mine with such pride. I was about to enter glory, a place filled with many emotions. They checked our bags and then they scanned our tickets. It was official, I was inside the stadium. Quickly we made our way to our seats. As the field revealed itself, I was left astonished. It was not like on TV, it was so huge and beautiful! I spotted the water fountain, very gorgeous by the way. We sat down and I just looked around to make sure I did not miss any detail in sight. The game started and I saw as the players made their way to the field. I was totally so happy! I could not stop smiling. Every now and then I would give a quick glance around the stadium, observing the people around me. The game came to an end. The Angels beat the Yankees. I screamed out loud with joy and pride. That was my first game ladies and gentlemen. I will never forget that day. As we were driving away, I turned and waved good-bye, hoping to see it soon again.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Persuasive Writing Prompt #2- Canceling School Field Trips

           Canceling school field trips is a dreadful idea for the students here at City Honors. Taking them away  from the students is unfair. If our school wants to save money, we should find ways to earn the money we use up for the field trips. I think that field trips are important and educational for the students. The students should get a chance to experience new things and be able to learn as well while on the field trips. I am asking you Mrs. Brown to reconsider on not canceling the field trips for the remainder of the school year.
            Field trips should not be cancelled due to the fact that they are for educational purposes. Where ever we go we will learn something new, and it will be for our benefit which can help us out in the future. It will as well be a good way for all of us to interact and be able to share that wonder experience together as a class. Not many schools get the opportunity to go on field trips because they do not have enough money to go, but our case is different. That money we use for the field trips can be earned again.
            A way for us to gain that money is to have fundraisers or involve people in activities during school which will help us raise the money necessary. The money is not the problem, there are many ways that we can fund raise. If we all cooperate with each other will be able to attend the field trips and at the same time pay off the money used up for all the field trips we attend during the whole school year. I actually think that this is a very good idea because it benefits all of us at our school. In fact, whenever we need money we should just make fundraisers and our money problems will be better.
            What high school student wants to go to a boring school? I sure do not. Having field trips throughout the school year is a great way for us to have fun. I know for a fact that students will enjoy school if there is also some fun involved. It will motivate us more to be focused and be interested on all our subjects we are taking. Not only that, but it is a great way for us to learn something new. It will be a great experience for all of us and to be able to have such a wonderful memory of our school.
            Canceling our school field trips will be a terrible idea. Hopefully these ideas change your mind and realize that it will be a mistake to do so. Everything has a solution and it will as well come handy to any other problem that we have. It will sure workout if all the students that go to City Honors work together to make this possible for everyone. I hope you take this in consideration and decide not to cancel our field trips for the remainder of the school year.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Persuasive Writing Prompt #1- Experimentation On Animals

           For many years medical researchers, cosmetic companies, and others have performed experiments on animals. There are some people that do not approve of this. I happen to be one of those people. Why would anyone ever do that to a poor and innocent animal? That is cruelty and should be stopped. How would the testers feel if they were exposed to those kinds of experiments? Of course they would not like it because they would feel the pain. I say that they should test their experiments using other alternatives for the good of the Earth.
            When they use animals for their experiments, they never stop to think if the animals can feel it. Of course they can! It is just like a human. If a human can feel heat, cold air or a pinch so will an animal. Just to think that this very instance an animal might be in pain because of an experiment makes me feel very disappointed and sad. They can feel the pain, the agony of the experimentation. People should be more mindful of the world and they should take care of everything that lives here on this planet.
            Experimentation on animals can also lead to death of the animal. If they keep on experimenting with the same animals or as it keeps on going over the years, it may so happen that animals will start to instinct. This is bad for our planet. They would be killing off something that was put on Earth for a reason. Once those people performing the experiments see that they are causing harm to our planet, they will start to see and realize that it is too late. The sooner they stop the better it will be.
            This can also cause the spread of diseases. All over the world there have been diseases spreading from one place to another. Performing the experiments on the animals can be lethal to them which will cause them to catch a disease from the product they are testing on them. If they are then released after the experimentation is done and the researchers do not know they have a disease, the animal when then expose everyone and little by little the disease will spread quickly around the other animals and also the humans. This can also cause the human population to vanish in a blink of an eye. A plague that will finish with all of us.
            It is our job to take care of the environment. If we want change we all have to cooperate and help out the poor animals that are being tested on by the medical researchers and other companies. We can always found other ways to test the products, but not on the animals. They can feel the pain too. They should test their experiments using other alternatives for the good of the Earth. As of now, tomorrow, and the future I will always disagree on animal testing with products. It is animal cruelty! 

Friday, October 8, 2010

10 Haikus

I love the Angels
The are the best in the West
Angel fan for life

I am Mexican
and so very proud of it
til the day I die

I hope it rains soon
the weather is very bad
the world will end soon

Red is my color
It is so bright and pretty
I love red so much

Music is my life
It makes me want to sing loud
Music makes me dance

Water is so good
It will help you stay healthy
Drink plenty okay

Starbucks is so good
The aroma makes me dream
Coffee is the best

I want a brown horse
With  golden yellow long hair
With shiny blue eyes

I have three siblings
I share a room with all three
It can get crowded

I am writing a
Haiku and it is early
The clock reads seven

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Children's Doctor

If I were to become a doctor, I would like to be a children's doctor. The reason is because I love little kids. I have patience for them and I enjoy working with them. I think I would be a good doctor because I would take good care of the children and make sure they were healthy. My job would sure be enjoyable. What I would do is attend my patients, which would be the children. I would check their ears, heart rate, mouth and eyes. After all this I would see what was the problem they had. I would check them again where ever they had the problem and then I would give them medicine so they can get cured. If it was something more serious I would do my best to solve the problem. After they have had their check up I would give them a lollipop and stickers of their choice. My office would be adorned with very colorful colors and pictures so that the children that would go in my office would be feel welcomed and not scared of being there. My job would be very wonderful and I would look forward to attending my job everyday and when ever I was needed.

Twenty Feet Tall

If I was twenty feet tall, WOW! That would be really surprising and weird. That is really big and tall. I would have advantages and disadvantages. Some advantages would be that I would be taller than everyone else. I will also be able to reach things up high. I am guessing that I will also be able to walk in bigger steps since I will have longer legs. Some disadvantages I would have are that I would tall so I will not be able to go inside small places. It is possible that I will be bumping into things and hurt my head all the time. I would also have to have my own house that is made for my size because I will not fit in a regular house. It would be cool if I was twenty feet tall, but I feel fine the way I am right now. My size is good, I am satisfied with my height.

Playing The Saxophone

Something I am really good at is playing the saxophone. I first started playing the saxophone in the fourth grade. I only played one year, then when I entered middle school I joined the school band. Ever since I was in the sixth grade I was first chair in advanced band. I felt good about myself because I had the privilege to be first chair from all the other people who also played the saxophone. I have to admit I was pretty good at playing the saxophone. I had so much fun in my class. There was times when I would have a solo to play and afterwards everyone would congratulate me. All the music pieces we played I enjoyed because they were nice and the part I got for the piece made me play loud and proud. I have not played since the eighth grade and I miss playing my saxophone so much. I think that if I play again I will need some time to get back on track with learning the key and notes. I wonder if I will ever get to play the saxophone again. Playing the saxophone is fun!

My Sandwich

This morning I ate the sandwich I invented. I call it the waffle special ham and cheese sandwich. It was so delicious and even more because I ate it with coffee. This sandwich might be simple, but it was very delicious. The ingredients needed are two waffles, a piece of ham, a slice of American cheese and syrup. First you get the two waffles and put them in the toaster for a while before they get hard and crunchy. Once they are done you get one of the waffles and put the cheese and ham then top if of with the other waffle. The you put it in the panini grill and leave it for about three minutes until the waffle has a golden brown color or as desired. After it is done take it out and place it in a plate. Top it of with syrup from the inside and outside. Now you are ready to enjoy and serve with the drink of your choice.   

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Time I Won Twenty Dollars

A few years ago I won twenty dollars. There was this contest at a fair in Mexico in which you had to compete with someone to see who could drink a gallon of water faster. Water is what I always drink so I am used to drinking it. I can drink pretty fast, especially when I am very thirsty. That day it so happened that I was thirsty because I had nothing to drink that day and it was hot outside. The other girl was skinnier than me, and it seemed like she did not really drink water because I had seen her there before and she always had a soda in her hand. I was very confident that I could win because I was really good at drinking water. They didnt tell us what the prize was. They were going to tell us after we had finished. We had to pay a dollar to enter the competition. It was the time and right as I heard the whistle I started gulping down the water. I gulped half the gallon in probably a minute because I was so thirsty. I took a break to catch my breath. I looked to see where the girl was at. She was not even half way. I then immediately started drinking again. I drank and drank until I finished. I had a full stomach. I had won! I was so happy that I screamed. Twenty dollars was the prize. I was satisfied, I knew I had the skill of being able to drink water fast. Right as soon as I got my twenty dollars, I quickly ran to the bathroom.

My Superpower

If I had a superpower I would like to become invisible. The reason is because that way if I do something bad they will not be able to see who it was. I am a good person, so that will not apply to me. I would also help out people that are in trouble so that way the person that is doing the harm will not be able to see me. I would use my superpower for the good. My main goal would be to help out the people that are in trouble. If I was invisible it would also be easy for me to hide when I play hide and seek with my little cousins. It will be hard for them to find me. I would also use my superpower for my advantages. I like to play pranks so it would help me out alot so that the person that I am pranking will not find out that it was me. I really do wish I could turn invisible, to bad it will never happen. Unless something in the future is invented that gives you superpowers, but who knows what will happen in the future. It is a world filled with mysteries.  

My Cousin Tino

I would spend an afternoon with my cousin Tino. He is such a really cool guy. It is not stop laughing when I am with him. I like that he always has me laughing because I like to laugh. We both have a very good time together. Despite the age difference, we seem to relate very good. He is twenty- two and I am seventeen. On occasions he has invited me to go out with him to places where he has to run errands. He is like the clown from all of us. He always finds a way to joke around with things. Like this past Friday he was making fun of my sister, but he was just playing around. He had me cracking up. If you want to laugh just go to him and he will make you laugh hard. When we go to Mexico he also goes so it makes it even more funner. Tino is a very open minded person and he speaks his minds. He does not care what people think of him. I like that he is that way. In a way he is like my role model because he wanted to be an actor and he never gave up. Now he is currently attending acting classes and he has actually appeared as an extra in Iron Man 2 and the TV show Ghost Whisperer. He has also given me a lecture on colleges and how I should go to a UC because he wants me to make better choices than him. He is such a wonderful person and I am glad I have him as my cousin.    

A Visit To The Moon

If I had the chance I would visit the moon. It would be nice because you do no get to visit the moon everyday. I had always wanted to go visit the moon and outer space, but that will never happen. It is funny how they have said that the moon is made out of cheese, which is so not true. If I ever visited the moon I would do the moon walk and have someone record me to keep it as a memory. I would also take pictures and show them to my friends and family. But really who would not want to visit the moon? It is something that you can not do everyday. It would be so cool to have a party up in the moon. Play music, dance, eat and drink a little to relax the muscles. Just to think of it makes me feel excited right now. Would I want to visit the moon? Yes! I do not have to even think it twice.

How A Seventeen Year Old Can Earn Money

Several ways a seventeen year old can do to earn money is buy looking for a job or doing chores around the house or for someone else. They can apply to places such as Subway, Kohl's, or any fast food restaurant that is around their neighborhood. They can also try the nearby clothes stores, that is where they usually hire younger people for the job. Another way is to do chores at home or for someone else. You could do the lawn, wash cars, walk the dogs, clean the house or help cook. They could also babysit for anyone, just that they have to have some experience. If I had the chance of earning money, I would sell gum because I have always wanted to sell gum in the exits of the freeways. Other teens my age can also sell things to people they know or in public. In this world there are many ways to earn money, you just have to be open minded and search out there. It could be that it might be right in front of your face and they never notice it. These would be some ideas for a seventeen year old to earn money.

The Baby Dragon

There was once a couple that lived in Juchipila, Zacatecas. They were an ordinary couple, and their names where Vanessa and Miguel. Vanessa worked at a nail shop and she had her own little shop. Her nails came out pretty and every girl that lived in town always went to her. Miguel worked in construction and he was a strong guy. One day after work, they decided to go have dinner at this restaurant called El Mazky's. They had very good food there and they were known for their shrimp cocktails. They got their and they had their meal. They stayed their for a while and they were having an interesting talk. Vanessa wanted some ice cream so they went to the ice cream shop. She always had the chocolate chip sundae and Miguel had the vanilla sundae. After they got their ice cream and paid, they decided to head back home. They got in the car and started driving. As they were on their way home, there was something in the middle of the rode. Miguel got out and he went to go check to see what it was. Amazed, he saw that it was a baby dragon. He immediately called Vanessa to come see. She was also amazed when she saw the baby dragon. They decided to take it with them because they did not have heart to leave it out in the middle of the rode. He was just a baby and he had to be taken care of. They grew attached to it and they were happy to have found him.    

My Favorite Season

My favorite season is winter. During this season it gets colder and I like cold weather. I also like it because in December I go to Mexico every year. I have so much fun even though I just go for three weeks. I just count the months and days before it is winter. It also means that I will be seeing my family that lives in Mexico that I have not seen in a long time. When I am in Mexico for Christmas and New Years Eve we all get together and stay up late. It is the best time because it is over winter break. That is when I get to have three weeks of freedom and relaxation. This year I will be going to Mexico in December, and I will make the most of it this year because it will be the last December in high school that I will be going to Mexico. Winter is such a wonderful season.

The Price Is Right Game Show

The Price Is Right is one of my favorite game shows. I have watched it ever since I was small. It is fun and and all the prices they win are amazing. If I were to be on The Price Is Right I would like to be one of the contestants on the show. I would like to play the game where they have to estimate the price of a product. If I get it right I have the opportunity to spin the wheel so I can be in the showcase. I could have the chance of winning  a car or home appliances for the first round. If I was the winner of the first round I would also like to be the winner of the spinning wheel. I would then like to compete against the other winner for the showcase. I would then bid money on the showcase. Who ever has the closest bid for the total amount of their showcase wins their showcase. In some cases if they guess it correct, not close, they take both of the showcases. Of course, it would be great if I won the grand prize.

Monday, October 4, 2010

My Home

What I like best about my home is that I have been living there my whole life. All my childhood memories are still there and there are more to come. My home is very warmth welcoming and I never want to move somewhere else. My home is what I call a real home.  I know every detail of it and I can close my eyes and picture everything this instance. I have been living there for seventeen years and I hope I can live there a few more years. Over the years it has been improving from the outside and the inside. My home is the best place to share special moments with my family. They will for long endure and will always remain in my heart. My home is very special to me. I love my home.

Ticket Seller At A Football Stadium

The job I would chose at a football stadium would be a ticket seller. During my job I would make sure that everyone attending the game would go pass me so they can get a ticket and not go in illegally without a ticket. I will also be friendly and nice to the people attending the game and actually start conversations with them. I would make sure to be an organized person and have everything in order. I would store the money safely  in a box. If anyone started acting up I would call the security guard  so they can take them out. I would be responsible and do my job the way I should.

Four Years Ago

Four years ago I was thirteen years old. I was a kid with no worries or stress, just enjoying life. Some stuff that I could do now that I was not able to do when I was thirteen was that I can go out with my friends, I have texting on my cell phone, I can go to sleep at what ever time I want, and I have much more freedom. As I get I will have much more freedom. The change I like the most is that I get to sleep at what ever time I want. I go to sleep when I feel sleepy, not when I am told to go to sleep. I feel lucky to be able to have more privileges then when I was thirteen.

Monkey As A Pet

I think that having a monkey as a pet would be awesome. I myself would like to own a capuchin monkey. Monkeys are cute and it would be fun to have the chance to own one. They are wild animals, so maybe it might not be a good idea to own one since they are not house pets. If I were to own one I would train it so that I can control it. His name would be Panchito. Of course I would take good care of it, such as that I would treat it like a child. I would take it out to play baseball at the park, at the swings, and to the zoo. I would also feed him, bathe him, change him, and he would have his own bed and toys. Other people  would probably not approve of this because of the stories they have heard about bad past experiences with people that have owned a monkey. But as of my opinion, I think having a monkey as a pet would be awesome.

The Youngest Person I Know

The youngest person I know is my cousins Patricia's baby boy Alejandro. He will be turning  seven months this eight of October. He is such a cute baby. Alex is what they call him. He is a little chunky, and I just want to squeeze and bite his cheeks every time I see him. I have only carried him once, and the next day my hand was sore. He is heavy for his age. The last time I saw him was on the day of my birthday September 11, 2010. He has little hair, almost bald. His eyes are so beautiful. They seem to change color, but most of the time they look charcoal. Alex's skin is so soft and smooth. His feet and hands are so small. Alex is still small, but next thing you know he will be all grown- up getting ready to go to college.

The Oldest Person I know

The oldest person I know is my grandma Josefina Chavez, my mother's mother. She is eight-five years old. I do not get to see her often because she lives in Mexico. The last time I saw her was in April when she came here to visit us. I will be seeing her in December when I got to Mexico. She is very small, over the years she has been shrinking. She has a hunchback and she walks slow. She uses a cane to help her walk. I remember when I was younger I would play with her cane. She has white and black hair, still from the last time she dyed her hair. She always has her hair in a ponytail. Her eyes are dark brown, which are covered with some big and round glasses. Her memory is slowly going away, good thing she still remembers my name. She is a really nice person and I am happy to have such a wonderful grandma.

My Bedroom Painting

The painting in my bedroom would look very colorful and bright. I would paint multiple things on my wall. The first thing I would paint would be a red Hawaiian flower with my name written in orange on one of the petals. It would be painted in the center really big. I would write the name of my family members scattered around the flower in different colors. I would then paint on the right side Angels #1 because they are my favorite baseball team. It would be red and lined with a dark blue. On the left side I would paint Hecho En Mexico with a white eagle under, then Juchipila, Zacatecas under the eagle. On the top left corner I would paint a baseball and paint an A with a halo over it to represent  the Angels. On the very top middle in red I would write Lencha, which is my nickname, and line it with black paint. After that I would paint in the blank spots with bright colors such as orange, red, lime green, turquoise, yellow, purple, or pink.

The Bat Who Couldn't Fly

It was a dark and windy night. Bob the Bat was stuck at home while his parents were out looking for food. Bob could not fly, so he would always stay home and wait until his parents got home. He was scared to fly and he never learned, he would just walk everywhere he went. All the other bats at school would make fun of him because he was the only bat that could not fly. One day he got tired that he decided he was going to learn how to fly. The first few times he would fall. He kept on trying and trying. At the end of the day he was not able to learn. Bob gave up, he was so disappointed. That night he had a dream with an old lady that said she was his god mother Teresa. His god mother encouraged him to continue practicing. She told Bob,"Never give up!" Bob woke up and he immediately went outside to practice. He kept on trying and he finally made it. He was able to fly for the first time. From that day on no bat in school made fun of him.

Lunch With Gerardo Ortiz

If I would have lunch with any famous person it would be with Gerardo Ortiz. He is a singer who I really enjoy listening too. His music makes me want to dance all day and night. We would go eat where ever he would like to eat at. First, I would like to know every detail of his life, like where he was he born and the things he enjoys to do or anything he would like to share with me. Then I would tell him about myself. The fun part would be when we start talking about his music. I would like to know about his new songs he was going to release soon. I would so love it if he sang to me while we were eating, then I would join him as well. After we have finished, I would ask him if we could take pictures and have him autograph my CD of him. It would be the perfect lunch.