Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Persuasive Writing Prompt #5 - Security Guards and Security Equipment In Public Schools

Many schools employ security guards and have installed security equipment such as video cameras and metal detectors in the building. In your opinion, how should security in public schools be handled? Use specific reasons and examples to support you answer.

There are many schools that have adopted a strict security system on their campuses. Schools put metal detectors, cameras, and even several security guards around the campus. The reason schools do this is because they want to create a safer environment for the students because in some cases they have brought in drugs, illegal weapons or other substances that are not allowed in school. They want to check the students before they go in the school campus. I think it is good that they implement some stuff such as the securities and metal detectors, but not the security cameras.

Metal detectors are a good idea to install in all school campuses. There are many students that have sneaked in things they are not supposed to have in school. By installing metal detectors in school they will be able to stop this and our school environment will be a safer place. They should be put in front of the school under the gate so that no student can get away from being detected. They should not be completely searched, but just have them pass through the detector so that anything illegal will not be roaming school grounds.

There should also be security guards in schools to help the campus be safer and to prevent the students to get into fights. There should be a few securities roaming the campus, such as one in front of the school and the rest scattered around the campus. It will also prevent the students from ditching school and leaving during passing periods or during lunch time. They will keep order between all the students and there will be less chance that there will be fights on the school campuses.

I do not approve security cameras in school grounds. Installing security cameras is a form of invasion of privacy for all the students and faculty in school. This will make everyone feel uncomfortable while being at school. You will not be able to do nothing because all the time you will know someone will be looking at you. They do not have restrictions and in some occasions it has been informed that they are placed in bathrooms and in locker rooms. These places are to remain private and they do not respect that. If they were to have security cameras in school grounds, eventually some people will feel harassed and they will want to go to another school where they will feel much more comfortable.

I encourage security guards and security equipment at school campuses. It will help make our school environment a safer place. It is good if they adapt it, but without the use of security cameras. Students will feel better and will not feel bullied or scared of attending a school free of drugs and illegal weapons. If schools adapt this, many problems will be solved in school campuses.